Tellus / 夏月そら(なつきそら) / Red
OPEN 18:00 / START 18:00
フリードリンク¥4,000-※年齢確認必須 / ソフトドリンクのみ ¥2,000- / キャストドリンク ¥1,000-
There will be a showcase live performance! The order of performances will be announced on the day! There will be a live singing slot! We will have a live singing slot for those who want to join us...
For ticket reservations, please contact each ar...
*Ticket reservations should be made to each art...
*Chiche issuance by Tiget -Dyunghwa Chikeha...
*Chiche issuance by Tiget -Dyunghwa Chiquet...
Ticket reservation system For reservations, pl...
TIGET▶▷ *No se...
*Ticket reservations should be made to each art...
DAIDA LAIDA - TOUR 2025 (Only Ryogoku, Okayama...
For ticket reservations, please contact each ar...
*Ticket reservations should be made to each art...